Back in Time Magazine's May 1st issue, there's a very interesting article from Lisa Takeuchi Cullen about candidates who pad their resumes (imagine that!). Seems that some high-level executives have recently had resume fibs come back to haunt them... but those are just the cases we hear about. Estimates of "resume enhancement" range from 14 to 43% - and as you already know, having a proven fibber in your ranks is an invitation to disaster. No wonder the background screening industry has grown the way it has!
But the resume fib is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to candidates trying to pull a fast one on recruiters and hiring managers. We've recently reviewed a book on how to finesse psychometric tests, and guides to squeaking through the interview process are legion. Why do recruiters rely so much on the most unreliable source for candidate information - namely, candidates themselves? Much better to get the skinny on a possible new hire from people who have seen the candidate in action!